Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Love Notes From God

Have you ever hopped into your car on a bad day and turned on the radio to discover your favorite song? Or maybe received a phone call from a friend just before you had a break down? Sometimes for me it is something as simple as the smell of fresh cut grass, or walking into a sunray of a cool day. For each person these love notes are different, none the less they all come from the same God. My friend Abby love when she comes across crunchy leaves, my boyfriend is in Heaven when he passes Crispy Cream and the red light is on (That means the doughnuts are fresh). In any case these love notes come at the perfect moments. I wonder how often we get so caught up in the chaos of this world that we miss these special moments. Surrounded by women yesterday, I experienced a love note. I think that those around me missed it. I was at work at a jewelry store and we were having an event for stylist and editors. I was bored and lost in a daydream when a gentleman walked in from the street. He was dressed in jeans and a blue blazer, and carried with him a small green notebook.He entered our store and with his smile demanded everyone's attention. In a fake English accent he told stories of truth. Pretending to be a modern day prince he bowed before all of us in the store. He went on to talk about how paper (Money) was nothing more then paper and that people should stop worrying about it. He spoke of truths masked behind stories. Though most people in the store found him crazy and out of place, I found him interesting and entertaining. He wasn't crazy. I could see the light in his smile, and found a child inside his blue eyes. His overwhelming theme was that people take life too seriously. We worry about things that are beyond our control and we judge others for being different. Just before he left the store he turned to me and asked me a question. He said, "What is your favorite thing inside this store?" I smiled and said, "Today, the chocolate covered strawberries". (We had them for yesterday event) He looked at me and said, "You've got it. Don't lose that light in your eyes." With that said we walked out the door and was gone. The other women were shocked and offended by this "crazy" stranger. I on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear. Growing up my parents would often tell me to never lose the light in my eyes. It is so easy to get jaded and discouraged. Yesterday, God found a special messenger just for me. And though he may have been crazy, he carried with him a love note that touched my heart. Take time this week to notice the love noted God is sending you. It may be as simple as a sunset, or as random as a crazy stranger. Look around and you will see God is revealing himself to you in small ways. You just need to take time to acknowledge the love notes that are already there.
Numbers 6:24-26"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."


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