Saturday, October 27, 2007


We all have experienced loss at one point or another in our life. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a business deal, or even a dream, the heartache that follows is inevitable. The healing process for some takes days, months and even years. Sometimes in the midst of an ordinary day, those bottled up emotions can get the best of us. It is times like those, when the best thing to do it cry. Grieving is a natural process to help us overcome our circumstances. Last week was my time to cry.
It was as simple as a phone call from a distant stranger. Her voice was warm and loving and her words took me back to a reality I have managed to avoid for the last few months. It was an effortless hello followed by a few choice words of heartfelt encouragement. She knew her. She loved her. She too missed her.
My grandma, as crazy and flamboyant as she was, served as an undeniable light in this world. Her laughter was contagious, her support genuine, and timing inconvenient yet perfect all in one. I am reminded of her through smells of gardenia and cigarettes, aquamarine stones, pink nail polish, Olive Garden, and the 700 Club. She was the voice of reassurance when my dreams seemed too far from my reach, and the long distance hug I needed when this world would try to bring me down. Every birthday, holiday and minor life event was celebrated in her cards, which would then be proceeded by a tearful phone call. Today, in the middle of a busy morning, the voice of distant friend pulled on the strings of my heart and reminded me that my dreams weren’t laid to rest with my grandma.
The rest of my day was accompanied by tears, joyful memories and faith that no one is ever forgotten. We all have experienced loss. Let each tear that falls bring you closer to healing.
“Blessed are those who mourn. They will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4


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