Fixing the Roof
Extreme Home Makeover is one of my favorite tv shows. Every Sunday night my mom calls and together we cry, and rejoice with each family that is blessed with their new home. We have a bit of a soft spot for these families, because our home is in dire need of its own makeover. Everything about our little farm house seems to be falling apart. It is such a mess that it isn’t something a little elbow grease and paint can fix. Getting started is a huge challenge, as each task involves three others projects just to get started. For example, we need to put in new floors. We can’t put in the new floors until we fix the fireplace. Every time it rains, water leaks from the fireplace onto the floor. Now this is when things get a little more complicated. We can’t fix the fireplace until we fix the roof. The roof is ultimately what is causing the leak. I love Extreme Home Makeover because the crew shows up, sends off the family, and in just one week the family returns to a beautiful new home. If only life were so simple. We all have our own dilemmas that we face. Like my parents home, not all are easy to fix. If you feel overwhelmed by your problems take them on one at a time. We can’t fix our house over night, but we can fix the roof.
Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.
Ezra 10:4
Light Bulbs
In 1879 Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. It was a small piece of glass that illuminated light. This invention profoundly changed human existence. One man gave the gift of light to a dark world. It is funny to think how such a small delicate piece of glass can hold such an incredible source of energy inside of it. What I find even more ironic is that the delicate, piece of glass that makes up a light bulb is protected by only a thin piece of cardboard when purchased. Now if you were to buy a small memory chip for your camera, it is wrapped in several layers of hard plastic and is almost impossible to get to once it has been purchased. I think we treat our hearts the same way we do our light bulbs. Our heart serves as an incredible source of light. Every heart beat brings with it life. Our passion, desires, love and hurts all stem to the root of our heart. Like a fragile piece of glass we wander around this world almost unprotected. We are the light. If a light bulb can make its way from the factory to the store, and the store to our homes with out breaking, we too can persevere. If a thin piece of cardboard can protect a light bulb, imagine what the creator of the Universe can do for you.
“In the same way, let our light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16